The School Held the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival Theme Cultural Activities

Release Time:2023-09-28 Author: Editor:Liu Kuang

On September 27th, the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival Theme Cultural Activities were held at the Rongyuan Commercial Street of our school, attracting over 2,000 teachers and students.

The event featured various traditional folk-custom-themed experiences such as wishing and poetry matching, lantern riddles, pot-throwing, and "mooncake squatting." At the scene, teachers and students wrote down their wishes to express their blessings and thoughts for family and friends, appreciated the beauty of traditional poetry through poetry matching, and immersed themselves in traditional folk culture through games like lantern riddles and pot-throwing.

This Mid-Autumn Festival theme cultural activity allowed teachers and students to fully experience the cultural charm of traditional Chinese festivals.

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1