The 18th National Conference on Rock Dynamics Successfully Concluded

Release Time:2023-09-24 Author: Editor:Liu Kuang

On September 24th, the 18th National Conference on Rock Dynamics successfully concluded. This conference was hosted by our university and the Rock Dynamics Professional Committee of the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering. Over 500 experts, scholars, graduate students, and representatives from enterprises and institutions from more than 110 universities, research institutions, and enterprises nationwide attended the conference in person.

During the two-day conference, more than 500 experts, scholars, graduate students, and representatives from over 110 universities, research institutions, and enterprises nationwide gathered to engage in extensive exchanges through 18 invited talks, 55 special talks, and 23 academic reports, creating a comprehensive, high-level, and multi-disciplinary knowledge-sharing platform for researchers in rock dynamics. The number of online participants exceeded 1 million, generating significant social impact.

At the closing ceremony, the "Outstanding Conference Papers" awards were presented, with 10 teachers and 12 graduate students receiving honors for their keynote presentations.

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