Academician Zhou Shouwei of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Visits the University's Lecture Hall

Release Time:2023-09-22 Author: Editor:Liu Kuang

On the afternoon of September 22nd, Academician Zhou Shouwei of the Chinese Academy of Engineering was invited to the University's Lecture Hall to deliver a keynote speech titled "China's Trial Production of Deep-Sea Natural Gas Hydrates and Thoughts for the Future" in the school's academic auditorium.

In his report, Academician Zhou Shouwei, using easy-to-understand language, thoroughly introduced the challenges faced in the development of deep-sea natural gas hydrates, the national policies and support for hydrate development, the basic principles of solid fluidization mining of natural gas hydrates, the scientific principles of green drilling and production technology for deep-sea natural gas hydrates, the current main research directions of natural gas hydrates, and the primary research tasks undertaken by our university in this research work.

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1