Three Papers by Young Faculty Member of Our University Selected as ESI 1% Highly Cited Papers

Release Time:2023-09-19 Author: Editor:Liu Kuang

According to the latest data from Essential Science Indicators (ESI) released by Clarivate Analytics in September 2023, three SCI papers published by Yang Ao, a young faculty member from the School of Safety Engineering of our university, in the fields of cleaner production, energy-saving and emission reduction in chemical processes, have garnered widespread attention from academia. These three papers, all listed as ESI 1% Highly Cited Papers, were authored primarily by the School of Safety Engineering of Chongqing University of Science and Technology and published in Journal of Cleaner Production (IF: 11.1), Separation and Purification Technology (IF: 8.9), and Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 15.1), respectively. This achievement has contributed to the ESI ranking of our university's engineering disciplines.

ESI, introduced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), is one of the authoritative retrieval tools globally recognized for evaluating the academic level and international influence of research institutions worldwide. ESI divides all disciplines into 22 professional fields and conducts statistics and comparisons of SCI and SSCI papers and their citations from universities and research institutions globally over a 10-year period, ranking those that fall within the top 1% globally. This ranking is published every 2 months.

Paper Links: of Cleaner Production) and Purification Technology) Engineering Journal)

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1