Our university's scientific and technological achievement won the second prize of Natural Science Award of Yunnan Science and Technology Award

Release Time:2023-09-07 Author: Editor:Liu Kuang

Recently, the results of the Natural Science Award of Yunnan Science and Technology Award were announced, and the research project "Study on the Wide-Range Efficient Operation Mechanism and Intelligent Control of New Energy Vehicle Power System" completed by Dr. Lei Zhenzhen from our university won the second prize of the Natural Science Award of Yunnan Science and Technology Award.

The award-winning project led by Associate Professor Lei Zhenzhen from our university mainly aims to explore the wide-range efficient operation mechanism and intelligent control methods of new energy vehicle power systems. As the energy crisis and environmental degradation continue to worsen worldwide, the development of new energy vehicles is of great significance for achieving energy conservation and emission reduction in transportation.

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1